Day 4/16 Days of Activism on ending Violence Against Women 

 Women continue to face structural violence especially in our health care systems. Structural violence is marked by unequal access to the determinants of health (e.g. good quality health care, access to information as well as technologies and medicines that improve the health and welbeing of women). Most recently, we have seen this in the case of the pending roll out of Dolutegravir where women ages 15 – 49 years have been excluded from those who will access Dolutegravir.


Dolutegravir is an Anti Retroviral Drug with high efficacy, tolerability and safety in treatment-of HIV and does not interact with other drugs. However safety measures have been raised on its use in the first trimester of pregnancy for women of child bearing age. This is yet to be conclusively established as further studies are being carried out.

Call to action on Governments

Provide women living with HIV irrespective of age full information on all Anti-retroviral treatment including Dolutegravir and contraceptives for them to make decisions and choice on what best suits them.

Integrate Family Planning and SRHR services in all ART clinics. This will improve access to family planning for women living with HIV but also better support those who choose to go on Dolutegravir to plan pregnancies.

Call to action on Women

Amplify your Voice, Orange the World, demand for information on Family Planning, and HIV treatment. Join us at #WLHIVSPEAKOUT; Join the Global Campaign (Orange the World, #HearMeToo)


Margaret Happy, Advocacy Manager,

Facebook: ICW Eastern Africa

Twitter: @ICWEastAFrica
