Kuradusenge Pelagie Charlotte, a remarkable woman from Karongi District, has emerged as an inspiring figure of resilience and empowerment. Living with HIV since 2002, she has overcome numerous challenges and become an advocate for women and girls facing similar circumstances. Through her unwavering determination and passion for change, Kuradusenge has transformed lives, empowering individuals to embrace their potential and create a brighter future.

A Journey of Resilience
Kuradusenge’s journey began when she discovered her HIV-positive status during her first pregnancy. Faced with fear and uncertainty, she confronted the harsh reality of her diagnosis. However, instead of succumbing to despair, she chose to be proactive and take charge of her life.

Empowering Others
As a single mother, Kuradusenge not only confronted the challenges of living with HIV but also defied societal norms. With the support of a dedicated healthcare team, she initiated her medication regimen and focused on leading a healthy life for herself and her children. Inspired by her own experiences, she became an advocate for women and girls living with HIV.

Driving Change
Through her involvement in various associations and support groups, Kuradusenge found a network of individuals who shared her struggles and aspirations. This newfound sense of belonging ignited her passion for creating change. She began educating young girls on their rights, encouraging them to stand up against gender-based violence and pursue their dreams with determination.

Ripple Effect of Empowerment
Kuradusenge’s impact extends beyond her advocacy work. Through her support group, she empowers women living with HIV to overcome financial challenges. By providing practical skills and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods, she instills a sense of independence and self-reliance in the community. Her unwavering belief in their potential has transformed lives and defied societal expectations.

Illuminating the Path
Kuradusenge’s unwavering determination and unyielding passion serve as a beacon of hope. Her journey reminds us that a single individual, armed with resilience and a compassionate heart, can ignite change and create a brighter future for all. Her advocacy efforts and commitment to empowering women and girls living with HIV exemplify the indomitable human spirit.


Kuradusenge Pelagie Charlotte’s story is one of resilience, empowerment, and the unwavering pursuit of change. Through her own journey, she has become a catalyst for transformation within her community. Her advocacy work, support groups, and commitment to empowering women and girls living with HIV have inspired countless individuals to embrace their potential and overcome challenges. Kuradusenge’s story is a testament to the power of one person to create lasting positive change and serves as a shining example of resilience and empowerment for all.