Milly Katana, a renowned HIV activist and advocate, has dedicated her life to improving the well-being and rights of people living with HIV. From her early days as a student leader at Makerere University to her global impact, Milly has demonstrated exceptional leadership, resilience, and compassion in the face of adversity. Co-founding the National Guidance and Empowerment Network for People Living with HIV (NGEN), she has spearheaded initiatives to empower individuals in Uganda, where access to essential antiretroviral drugs was limited. Milly’s practical solutions and tireless efforts have saved lives, bridged communities, and made a lasting impact.

Empowering Individuals and Bridging Communities:

Driven by a deep sense of compassion, Milly Katana co-founded NGEN to address the challenges faced by people living with HIV in Uganda. Through this organization, she has provided crucial support and guidance to those affected by the virus, creating safe spaces for individuals to share their experiences, find solace, and access vital resources. Milly’s dedication to empowering individuals has not only improved their quality of life but also fostered a sense of unity and community among those affected by HIV.

Global Impact and Policy Shaping

Milly’s influence extends beyond Uganda. As a board member of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM), she has played a pivotal role in shaping global strategies and policies for HIV prevention, treatment, and care. Her deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals living with HIV has informed her advocacy efforts on a global scale. Milly’s contributions have led to increased investments in research, education, and outreach programs, creating a ripple effect that has positively impacted countless lives worldwide.

Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic posed new challenges for Milly, as vulnerable individuals, particularly those living with HIV, faced increased risks and disruptions to essential healthcare services. Undeterred by the circumstances, Milly established innovative spaces for collaboration and support, ensuring the continuity of care during these trying times. Her unwavering dedication and adaptability in the face of adversity have been instrumental in safeguarding the well-being of those affected by HIV and reinforcing the importance of inclusive healthcare systems.

Recognition and Legacy

Milly Katana’s unwavering commitment, fierce advocacy, and transformative impact have garnered widespread recognition and respect. Her remarkable leadership and compassionate approach have made her a deserving candidate for accolades such as the FIERCE Award, which celebrates individuals who embody the principles of justice, fairness, and better health. Milly’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of activists as she remains steadfast in her pursuit of creating a more just and healthier world for all.


Milly Katana’s remarkable journey as an HIV activist and advocate serves as a testament to the power of one person’s unwavering commitment to a cause. From her co-founding of NGEN to her global policy shaping and her response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Milly has made a significant impact on the lives of people living with HIV. Her leadership, resilience, and compassion have transformed communities, bridged gaps, and saved lives. Milly Katana’s legacy will continue to inspire and guide future generations, reminding us all of the importance of empathy, unity, and the pursuit of justice in creating a more inclusive and healthier world.